Sunday, June 20, 2010

Online transactions in Indonesia Reached Rp 35 trillion a year

Online transactions in Indonesia Reached Rp 35 trillion a year Online commerce transactions or e-commerce via the Internet in Indonesia is very big. Year 2009 and then just pass the value of Rp 35 trillion. Unfortunately, this industry has not enjoyed the domestic market.
Thus revealed Vision Sharing Telematics Research Institute held a workshop at 'State of The Art of Global Electronic & Mobile Micropayment & Mobile Remittance' at the Royal Plaza, Singapore.
"Based on data from IDC in 2009, the carrying value of trading via the Internet in Indonesia reached about $ 3.4 billion or equivalent to Rp 35 trillion," said Chairman Sharing Vision, Dimitri Mahayana, Saturday (19/06/2010).
But unfortunately, this huge potential can not be captured by local players. Online transactions are still dominated by foreign players. Even so, he was optimistic that local players can develop provided that the owners of e-commerce sites can provide a global trading platform.
"Methods of payment in transactions conducted via the Internet is still dominant credit cards and debit cards. Next is by Paypal, bank transfer and cash on delivery (CoD)," he explained.
Added by a man called Mr. Dim this intimate, following a common transaction platform, actually will increasingly open up opportunities for e-commerce domestically.
"The more who accessed their sites, this will encourage site owners to provide a global payment platform. So that makes it easy to transact accessed. Because the more easily, quickly and safely, so could convince accessed for the transaction," he explained.
The optimism is well-founded. The reason, according to a release issued by Forrester Research, 2010 This e-commerce market potential globally to reach U.S. $ 172.9 billion.

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