Sunday, June 20, 2010

Domination Tumbangkan Netbook Notebook

Domination Tumbangkan Netbook Notebook Although able to subvert the dominance of the notebook netbook, notebook dominance in the global PC market is not safe. Because, under serious threat from the notebook computer such as iPad tablet.
Recent reports research firm International Data Corp. (IDC) estimates, the volume of sales PC (personal computer) to grow globally in 2010 will be 19.8 percent to 354.8 million units, from 296.1 million units in 2009. IDC revealed that global PC sales volume growth in 2010 will soar thanks to recovery of world economy. However, IDC confirms, the competition in the global PC market in 2010 will change.
Because, in 2010 the main drivers of growth in global PC sales volume is a notebook, not netbook, as happened in 2008 and 2009. IDC explains, consumers began to leave and move to the notebook netbook because consumer purchasing power has been restored. IDC rate, in 2008 and 2009 as consumers raced to buy netbook netbook PC platform is the most affordable precious amid the global financial crisis blows.
"In 2010, the netbook become increasingly smaller role. Therefore, the notebook started to rise as a major driver of growth in PC sales volume in 2010 global.Pertumbuhan will occur evenly in the developed countries and developing countries," says Research Analyst, Worldwide Quarterly PC Jay Chou tracker IDC.
Thanks to world economic recovery, IDC reveals, the volume of global PC sales will continue to grow at double digit levels until 2012. Level of growth was in contrast to the growth of global PC sales volume in 2009 which only reached 3.0 percent. In 2009, global PC sales volume growth is very weak because most of the world's consumers put off buying a new PC due to global economic conditions are uncertain.
However, IDC warns that the global PC market in 2010 until 2014 is not without challenges. IDC recognizes, global PC sales volume is going to continue to grow from 2010 until 2014. However, IDC confirms, global PC sales growth continues to weaken it began in 2011 until 2014. IDC estimates, the volume of global PC sales will grow only 14.4 percent in 2011, then 12.8 percent in 2012, then 12.0 percent in 2013, and 11.1 percent in 2014.
Compared with 2010, the number of global PC sales volume growth in 2011-2014 was very low. Therefore, the IDC had very high growth rate in the global PC market in 2010 just a moment of euphoria.
"This is the phenomenon of 'rubber bands'. In times of crisis, consumers tighten their belts to save some savings. After the crisis ended, they had become out of control and a major shopping, including buying a new PC," said Research Manager for IDC's Quarterly PC Tracker David Daoud. Aligned with estimates IDC, a research firm DisplaySearch reveals Ltd., netbook role in encouraging the growth of global PC sales volume in 2010 will continue to weaken due to start being moved by the notebook.
DisplaySearch explained, consumers prefer to buy a notebook than a netbook because notebook prices continue to weaken while prices continue to rise netbook. In fact, DisplaySearch asserted, the notebook has far more functionality than a netbook, which also has computing power far lower than the notebook.
"The year 2007 was the birth of a netbook. Furthermore, the netbook debuted in 2008 and 2009. However, in 2010 netbook competitiveness began to weaken because the price of notebooks become more affordable," said Director of Notebook Market Research Display-Search Ltd John F Jacobs.
Add the research firm Gartner Inc., a global PC sales volume in 2010 will increase 22.0 percent to 376.6 million units, from 308.3 million units in 2009. As in 2008 and 2009, Gartner revealed that the main drivers of growth in global PC sales volume in 2010 is a netbook. Gartner predicts, global netbook sales volume in 2010 will increase 30.0 percent to 41.8 million units, from 32.1 million units in 2009.
Thanks to the very rapid growth, Gartner asserted, the share of netbooks in global PC market in 2010 increased to 18.6 percent. However, Gartner believes, the share of netbooks in global PC market will begin to weaken in 2011 so that in 2014 the remaining share of the netbook will only 13.9 percent.
"Consumers began to avoid the netbook for two reasons. First, consumers began to realize the limitations netbook. Second, the price of the netbook become not much different than the notebook because notebook manufacturers to cut prices aggressively," said Gartner Inc. Principal Analyst Mikako Kitagawa. Although the notebook will be debuted in 2010, DisplaySearch asserted, notebooks are not immune from challenge.
Because, DisplaySearch revealed, consumers today are also facing a new PC options that are not less interesting, namely tablets. DisplaySearch explained, risky cut tablet notebook sales volume growth for the PC manufacturers in the world today produces a race to follow successful iPad tablet from Apple Inc. Research firm iSuppli Corp. believes the global sales volume iPad will break the 7.1 million units in 2010, and rise again to 20.1 million units in 2012.
"The key to success is iPad sentuh.Dengan screen touch screen technology multi-touch iPad becomes very easy to use, either by a child aged two years or even by parents who are aged 92 years," said the Director, Monitor Research firm iSuppli Corp. Rhoda Alexander. With so many tablets bid, DisplaySearch explained, consumers who originally planned to buy a notebook can switch to the tablet because the tablet such as iPad able to provide more natural interaction between humans and computers, through the use of touch screen technology.

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