Sunday, June 20, 2010

Developing countries would be a Electronic Waste Disposal

Developing countries would be a Electronic Waste Disposal Sales of electronic goods continue to soar until the next decade is expected to occur in developing countries within the next 10 years. The increase in sales, obviously resulted in a buildup of electronic trash that endangers the environment and human health.
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) warned that developing countries anticipate the danger of electronic waste. Developing countries will become a garbage dump by the developed countries.
"Today the world is facing a wave of violent incursion of electronic waste, especially in developing countries," said Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director.
Steiner revealed, electronic waste per year to reach 36 million metric tons. Amount of electronic waste from old computers are also known to be jumped fourfold in the year 2020.
UNEP also revealed that China contributed 2.6 million metric tons of electronic waste to the whole world. while the United States was second with 3 million metric tons of electronic waste.
In addition, the known number of countries in the Americas and Europe to send junk in the form of secondhand computers to countries in Africa. Not only that, the report also mentions the electronic waste in recent years soared donated by communication equipment such as mobile phones.
Meanwhile, UNEP-samapah electronic declared hazardous waste such as refrigerators containing chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbon gas will increase three-fold in India.

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