Sunday, April 18, 2010

sale i-pod

Pod Touch Supreme Sale Approximately 2 BillioniPod Supreme is a special version of the iPod Touch, Apple's digital music players besutan. Special indeed, because the Supreme claimed as the world's most expensive iPod Touch, with price of U.S. $ 233,000 or approximately USD 2.3 billion.
Supreme iPod designed by Katherine Hughes, wife of British designer, Stuart Hughes, who also released some time ago the most expensive iPhone. There are only three pieces only, iPod Supreme lined with expensive jewelry in the entire bodinya.
Supreme iPod casing is made of 22 carat gold, while the Apple logo studded with glittering diamonds. The edges of this special iPod also bertahtakan 300 grains of diamonds.
Not just only that, the main navigation buttons in this popular gadget is also planted with a pink diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds. With the exorbitant price tag of, it is clear that only the affluent can afford to buy the iPod Supreme.
Stuart Hughes is known as a designer for luxury gadgets. Dressed various types of mobile phone company with jewelry and exclusive designs, so the price so much higher than the original.

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