Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Double-Sided Transforming LCD Display
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Indulging in simple pleasures like a flat-screen LCD display is passé. It's the time to indulge in fantasies that could turn to reality, depending how badly you desire it. We at Newlaunches desire, nay lust after this concept LCD that can divide into two back-to-back monitors that allows you to watch what you want on one side and your girlfriend can catch up with her mushy movies on the other display! Should you both decide to watch the same stuff; you can fold out the TV to a single huge display. No specs or details are out as yet, but we are praying hard for this one to get real.
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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